
Catherine Henke

Casa Nómada

Instalação exposta nas
Oficinas do Convento no mês de Novembro de 2009

integrada na colectiva "Escultura Leve".

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Response to your installation

First, i love the title, Nomad House.It really gives the viewer a starting point, almost a door to enter into the house and begin to look deeper into what's inside as well as surrounds it. I think you've definitely created a curious, dynamic and almost joyous space for the viewer to relate to what you've experienced and to what they might have experienced on their own journeys. There is the sense of travelling, physically and spiritually. I think the paintings work really compliment the hanging structure, telling more of the story, almost like giving the viewer of what is going on outside the house. There is a strong connection between all the parts and really draws one into the experience. Did people sit on the sheep wool? There is something very dynamic about re-working all the paintings, you get the past and the present, which makes them even stonger and gives more a sense of time. Even through they began in 85, they look very fresh and recent. I love that you included objects that you found or were given, it becomes very ritual, and adds such a strong element to the sense of home, and how we collect, even with a nomadic lifestyle.

Randee Silv

1 commentaire:

Li Ferreira Nhan a dit…

nos vimos sim...
é que
às vezes perdemos o fio da meada;
e logo encontramos.
ainda bem!